Win Your Patients Trust Before They Call You…With Video

The days of storefront attraction and success are over. The truth, is that 97% of online consumers search for local businesses first over any other form of search. This means that if your online presence isn’t bulletproof you’re missing out on a ton of potential patients. video is the number one way to gain your customer’s trust through emotion and storytelling… here are a few examples of how you can WIN with video.


Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are the #1 way to gain your potential patients trust. Testimonials provide potential patients with a sense of security, giving them the confidence to choose you as their next doctor. Think about it… when was the last time you made a new purchase without looking for reviews first? You probably searched for reviews to determine if you were going to buy or not, didn’t you… yeah, we thought so.

Anchor Video

The All-In-One video solution. This branded video tells potential patients who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. We have created this style of video for hundreds of clinics all over the US and it remains the video that sits at the top of websites.

Virtual office tour

This video shows potential patients what they can expect from your facility. It shows them the type of technology you use, what your practice looks like, and what they can expect before visiting your clinic.